With birth, we get involved in many relationships, in which parents, siblings are mainly involved. As we grow older, many more relationships continue to join us. In these relationships, a relationship is that of love, which is also connected emotionally. Love leads us to a different feeling. Everyone searches for him and wants to find him.

Love makes the person feel different from the world. When someone finds his love, he experiences a different world. He simply wants to be lost in these feelings because he has never experienced this before, and when he is separated from his love, he feels very broken and incomplete. He is always thinking about his estranged love and is headed for depression.
After getting separated from that person, you get so scattered that you never get emotionally attached to yourself and you go towards depression. You have to take care of yourself and emerge after emerging from them. You have to try to keep yourself happy by keeping your emotional bond with your family and friends. So you try to keep yourself happy with your loved ones. In the Netflix special Jigsaw from the Scottish comedian Daniel Sloss states that 'if someone loves themselves 20 percent, then they get 30 percent love from others', so you give yourself your love and take care of yourself.

12 best ways to take care of yourself after a breakup 
Showing love towards oneself and taking good care of them is a big taboo in society. Because in the eyes of others, it is seen as selfish. Every creature in the world has the right to love himself and take care of himself. So take care of yourself and take good care of your loved ones.

Know Yourself

After breakup, you want to keep yourself alone all the time so that you stay away from your own reality. If a friend of yours cancels the plan or is busy with his work, you should not be afraid of it. You are a fun, cool, lively person in yourself, why don't you spend your time with yourself. Take time to spend time with yourself.

You know what you like, what you dislike and what you think. If you understand yourself well then you yourself are a good partner. Therefore, you have to spend so much of your life in various roles (friends, co-workers, daughter / son, parents and husband / wife), then give yourself some time and keep yourself happy.

Celebrate your 'UNIQUENESS'

You spend most of your time and energy in daily tasks, other physical activities, but as soon as you think of spending more time for yourself then you realize that you are not made for any of them. You are sometimes shy or sometimes behave strangely, one day you feel like Mother Teresa and the next day you do not feel the same. You can be beautiful, ugly or sexy but due to some old incident or bad experience, you start to blame yourself. But you are none of these and you need to forget it.

In the current trend, the standard of society is like a hoax, in which no one fits and you think that you fit into it. People who consider themselves worthy and most beautiful etc., they are all cheating themselves. Whatever experience is present in you, that is what adorns your today.

Appreciate yourself for everything, no matter how unconventional it may be. Whatever old things are in your mind, you should lose them like small waves in your sea like mind. Forget all the bad things from childhood till today, you live for today, it is a fact of life that only you can encourage yourself to prove yourself different in this universe.

Go on Holidays

It is great for you to go on holidays with family and friends, travel with your partner is full of romance, but going on a trip alone gives you a different adventure and experience. Self-discovery, empowerment, and bliss are some common adjectives that you get from this experience on a solo journey. Traveling alone is the king size bed of your hotel room, all your travel events are of your own interest, and interacting with the locals is a magical experience and a new learning for you.

Being overworked increases your brain tension, and you are unable to fully give your partner love and time, which is very loving and encouraging. So do not make yourself feel gilty and selfish in planning a solo trip, you are not like this. This does not mean that you do not like to go on holidays with your family or your partner.

Never compare 

The practice of comparing ourselves to someone in our society is very old, whether it is our school's grading system or a frustrated parent who compares his child to his neighbor's child in everything. Our entire school system is based on who got more marks, who improved more. Defeating others has become an idea in our society. Similar comparisons are now made for our beauty as well, but the parameters of all these vary according to the time. Everyone is trying to get the criteria of that look, if you are not fit to get that look, then your precious time sits in your mind as a sense of pity on yourself.

There should be a goal of success, where when we look at our grade, you evaluate it with your previous result. In this you try to see if you have done better than the previous semester, if you have done, then you should give yourself credit even if you have not topped the class, if you have done poorly then try to find out What you did wrong, and you try to make that mistake better. If you see that pimple tomorrow, whether it is gone or not, if it is gone, then you should be happy that your skin is cleaner and healthier than yesterday, if not, then you think how to fix it can go.

Talking to someone every day tries to give you better and better versions of you. Love for yourself is often criticized, because people feel that you have great pride in yourself. You do not have to be oblivious to the truth, if you love yourself, you should always be ready to learn, be ready to move forward and prove yourself better, you should be better than anyone else. . You are the most different, you are unique, your mind or your thoughts are all priceless, do not compare yourself to anyone else, doing so can be harmful for you.

Make your mind a 'NO NEGATIVITY ZONE'

Negative thoughts destroy your self-worth and confidence. There should be no place in your mind for these, you should stay away from it. When your mind is filled with negative thoughts it affects the environment around you, if a friend refuses to go with you, it does not mean that he does not want to spend time with you, your Even if the partner is working at the end of the week, it does not mean that he is ignoring you.

The negative voice inside your brain tells you that you do not have this thing, and prevents you from loving yourself and being happy. If you are facing troubles then try to keep them out of your mind, and think about positive things and promote positivity in your everyday life. Do not let yourself fall under your negativity.

Change your routine 

Usually we all have a routine and we all follow it but sometimes you should do something different than these rules. By following the same routine every day, you get bored and this causes your depression. So always keep changing your routine and spend some new adventures and some time of your choice.

For this you can also go to dance classes, it keeps you fit and I believe it will make you feel refreshed. You do not need to dance with perfection, just enjoy it. The happier you will be, the more you will love yourself and you will not feel the need to be with others.

Make a list of achievements on the wall 

You should make a cupboard and put your achievements, awards and some pictures there, which will give a natural smile on your face and which will boost your self confidence and then you will feel more attached to yourself.

Appreciation is something that everyone loves, we like to be praised and when you see all your achievements you feel different and then you will feel more attached to yourself.


One should always try to do some new things because we do not know what is best within us. Therefore, give time to your inner hobbies and try to learn new things. There are many things to learn and do in the world. I am not talking only about songs, dances or artwork.

You can learn from a potter how beautifully he makes different pottery, or when you spend your weekly time in an orphanage you will feel how lucky you are to have them. People who love themselves have a wonderful inner power, and you can do something different by doing such small things.

Life is not just for making money and property, sometimes even small things and events give you great happiness. The happier you are, the more beautiful the world will look to you and the more people will like to be in your company.

Do what makes you adventurous 

It is your choice whether you want to sleep or eat. Do whatever you like, but at the same time you must also pay attention to your health and mental fitness. People usually say that it doesn't matter how you look or how you speak, but everyone here wants to look good. As you go for shopkeeping, you choose a good clothes for yourself so that you look good in those clothes. Actually, wearing your nice clothes and looking good increases your confidence, so you should also pay attention to your mines and do not adopt any bad habits.

If you look fat then it is not good for your health, so if possible, spend some time in the gym. If the gym is out of your reach, then you go to the internet and search there, you will find many articles and videos on reducing obesity. Believe me if you follow some of these, you will definitely get results. Similarly, if you have short hair then you can get flare hair cut.

Nowadays there is a solution to everything, my hand nails which did not look good in any way but recently I extended them and now I always get praised because of my nails. Everything is possible and there is a solution to it all, you just need to think of something new, never lose your hope. All these reasons will inspire you to take care of yourself.

 Fool your heart 

Have you ever felt that you feel inferior (inferior) to others? It is caused by your personal thinking and belief. It depends on you how you discriminate between good and bad, because negative thinking is in your heart.

It is very important for you to fool your heart and think logically. If you present good arguments and facts in front of your heart, then it will always be good for you and you will not feel lonely and stressed. It is very easy to say but it is very difficult to do it, so apart from these tricks, you start your day with positive thinking and make your every day good. You will start loving yourself and others as well.

  'EXPRESS' Yourself

It is very important to say whatever you feel inside you, it means that you write or cry or express it to someone who keeps your things secret. After writing, we feel good, so express your feelings in your diary. Some feel good after talking to others. If you want to cry then cry because when you cry then your problem or sorrow comes out in the form of asuas. So whatever you like, you will feel good by doing this and after doing this you will get rest.


People usually decorate their rooms with great love in love. They decorate other things like pictures of their loved ones, lots of gifts, cards etc. So first of all remove all those memories and re-arrange your room. This will help you a lot. You should not keep a picture of them or something that reminds you of all those things. This will help you forget them.

The conclusion

You take away every impulse, every bad habit, every bad choice and your shameful secrets, all your dirty things from yourself and adopt all the goodness inside you. Taking care of yourself is not a step by step program. All this ability shows you how much you want yourself and you try to move forward for yourself. Do not compromise for 30 percent love, you should love yourself 100 percent, and expect the same from people in your life too. Breakup is not your end, it is a good way to know yourself well and you will never be sad when you start loving yourself.

if you have any doubt, please let me know

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