how to earn money as a student in india, how to earn money in india in hindi

1, book selling online earn money students

 There are many such websites in which you are earning a lot of money students by working. Because it is very easy to do book selling in many places. Like Amazon, Flipkart and many more websites. In which you can easily earn money by selling books written by your hands, if you have any such skill that you can tell through the book, such as a book of English speaking or any book related to earn money, then you You can earn money by batching books.

2, youtube earn money online for students

youtube is proving to be a very good platform in which students can earn money as well as enable themselves to earn money online, whatever work you have to do on your behalf on any subject in school and college by you. By uploading any video created, students can earn money online without investment in youtube.

3, blogger earn money students without investment

Students can also earn money by blogging. You can earn money by working in any wordpress website or in blogger because The blogger who is it belongs to google, you can make a good website for yourself without investment. That's for free, and later you can earn money in it because many students are still earning money without investment by working in blogger for themselves.

4, short link without investment students earn money

You can earn money from whatever url is there. First url link has to be shortened, later you can earn money from the new link you get because there are many websites which give money for url short link without investment, gives students a good opportunity, helps students. By which students can earn money without investment

5, facebook earn money without investment students

Which is facebook, more people are connected to it, this is the best way that students can earn money without investment. To earn Facebook, you have to create a Facebook page for yourself. It has to be done because if the number of followers of the students increases then it will be bigger. The company finds a way for the students to make their own batches, without investment, to earn money.


how earn money online in india

1, book selling online earn money students

 कई ऐसी websites है जिसमे आप काम करके बहुत सारा पैसा स्टूडेंट्स कमा रहे है.  क्योकि कई जगह पर book selling करना बहुत आसान है.  जैसा की अमेज़न, फ्लिपकार्ट और भी बहुत सी वेब्सीटेस है।  जिसमे आप अपने हाथो से लिखी किताबो को आसानी से सेल्ल करके  money earn कर सकते है अगर आपके पास कोई ऐसा हुनर है जिसको आप book के जरिये बता सकते है  जैसे की english speaking की किताब हो या earn  मनी से रिलेटेड कोई भी किताब  हो तो आप बुक्स को बैचकर earn money कर सकते है

2, youtube earn money online for students 

youtube बहुत हि अच्छा plateform साबीत हो रहा है जिसमे students पैसे कमाने के साथ साथ अपने आपको सक्षम बना सकते है online earn money करने मे आपको जो school और college में आपको किसी विषय पर अपनी तरफ से जो काम करना होता है किसी विषय पर आपके द्वारा बनाई गई कोई भी video upload करके students youtube में without investment online earn money कर सकते है

3, blogger earn money students without investment 

students blogging  करके भी मनी earn  कर सकते है. wordpress website में या ब्लॉगर में किसी में भी काम करके earn money कर सकते है क्योकि blogger जो है ये google का हि है आप without investment अपने लिए एक अच्छी सी website बना सकते है. वो  फ्री में,  और बाद में आप ईसमे पैसे कमा सकते है क्योकि कई students अभी भी अपने लिए blogger में काम करके without investment earn money कर रहे है

4, short link without investment students earn money 

जो url  होता है इससे भी आप earn मनी कर सकते है. पहले url link को short करना होता है बाद मे आपको जो नया लिंक मिलता है उसी से पैसा कमा सकते है क्योकि बहुत सारी कई websites है जो url short link के पैसे देती है without investment students को एक अच्छा मौका देती है students को मदद करती है जिससे students without investment earn money कर सकते है

5, facebook earn money without investment students

 जो facebook है इससे काफी ज्यादा लोग  जुड़े होते है यही  सबसे अच्छा रास्ता होता है जो की स्टूडेंट्स विथाउट इन्वेस्टमेंट के earn मनी कर सकते है फेसबुक  earn करने के लिए आप को अपने लिए facbook का page create करना होता है क्योकि students के followers की संख्या बडेगी तो बडी बडी company अपना समान बैचने के लिए students को  एक तरीका मिल जाता है without investment earn money करने का

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